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My Mineral Collection Catalog (MMCC)

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Revision history


  • 4.3.7  Improved: For the user convenience, the text searched for in the upper right box in the main grid is kept for the next session after closing the app.
  • 4.3.6  New: The main database can also be sorted by the field minID. More details about that field.
  •           Improved: There has been some restructuring of the Edit form function Single record report. The fields are ordered in the same way as the form, with the name of the field in capital letters for easier reading, a title being added, and so on.
  • 4.3.5  Fixed: Corrected a bug that, from the Edit form, prevented to make a search of the field Locality at Mindat by showing a wrong error message.
  • 4.3.4  Improved: Added a dozen points for easy access to context-sensitive help.
  •           Fixed: Several small old bugs have been cleared.
  • 4.3.3  Fixed: Finally solved an old bug that, in certain cases, might have left some data changes unsaved. More details....
  • 4.3.2  Improved: The Edit and Preferences forms have been updated by adding some help functionality, with the addition of new links to specific points on the Q&A page.
  • 4.3.1  Improved: Added four additional fields to the settings that can be skipped while completing the Edit form.
  • 4.3.0  New: A Default button in the Preferences form will reset right away all the values in the Grids group box. It is especially useful when the user makes a mess with the combination of colors of grid lines.
  • 4.2.9  New: After deleting a record, a whole report with its content will be saved without the user having to take any action.
  •           Fixed: On the Removed side, a record cloning operation was unintentionally allowed.
  • 4.2.8  Improved: You can skip to the previous or next record in the Edit form with the keys F11 and F12.
  • 4.2.7  New: Added the field minID, to enter the specimen universal unique identification, a 6-char alphanumeric code that is being promoted by Mindat with the goal of making it general to every mineral specimen in the world. More details about that field.
  • 4.2.6  Fixed: Corrected a bug in the Edit form, field Locality, that made the Mindat search fail.
  • 4.2.5  Improved: For more clarity, the main data grid displays, besides the video code, four additional columns with the name of the associated video engine.
  • 4.2.4  New: Added the RRUFF Project database of Raman spectra, X-ray diffraction, and chemistry data for minerals to the list of internet search engines available in the Edit form.
  • 4.2.3  Fixed: Suppressed a bothersome bug that, in certain conditions, displayed an error message when opening the Edit form.
  • 4.2.2  Improved: Online help is now much more user-friendly. Easier to read and (through the browser) ready to search, print, and print to file (PDF).
  •           Fixed: Corrected some minor issues and added several small improvements.
  • 4.2.1  Improved: Six more fields in the Edit form show a bubble hint with their text when the mouse hovers. For fields whose content is too lengthy to be read without right-scrolling.
  • 4.2.0  New: For the user's convenience, the font size of the data shown in the Main and Contacts forms can be widely configured, up and down. It is useful for everybody, but especially for those with high-resolution displays or impaired visual acuity.
  • 4.1.9  Improved: Added more functionality to the Email and Website buttons (disabled when the field is empty), in the Contacts form.
  • 4.1.8  Improved: For more user convenience, the Graphs form does not require the user to refresh the data when a change is made in the preferences. It is now an automatic process.
  •           Improved: The Main form adds a new button to open the pop-up menu.
  • 4.1.7  New: The About screen shows the date of the last backup copy.
  • 4.1.6  Improved: Your backup files can now be kept indefinitely, as the app will create a unique folder name every day. This way, copies made today will not be overwritten on the same day next year.
  • 4.1.5  Fixed: I finally managed to solve the very annoying problem that occurred when trying to modify either the Locality or Provenance fields in the Edit form: all text was changed with the first keystroke and the associated list was dropped down, which were not the intended actions.
  • 4.1.4  Improved: For new installations, the default images folder will be created outside the Program Files folder, according to Microsoft recommendations, although the user will always be able to change it in Preferences.
  • 4.1.3  New: The Edit form adds a new button to copy a screenshot of the window to the clipboard and save it to an image file.
  • 4.1.2  Improved: The Edit form feature Single record report gives now each file a different name, to keep them separate and prevent overwrites.
  • 4.1.1  Fixed: Several corrections to make the life of Windows limited users easier.
  • 4.1.0  Fixed: Corrected some minor issues and wrong messages, and added several small improvements.
  • 4.0.9  Improved: For easier navigation, the bottom status bar in the Contacts grid displays the content of the field Notes for the active record.
  • 4.0.8  New: Function to force uppercase in each of the three user-defined free fields independently.
  • 4.0.7  New: Added to the Edit form, field Notes, and to the View "Notes" form, a convenient function to open websites whose URL are in the text. Please, read the details in answer #81.
  • 4.0.6  Improved: While entering data on the Edit form boxes, the field Notes included, the combination of the keys Ctrl+Del will work, like in most text editors, by deleting one word to the right (Windows 10.0.22621.1413 and higher).
  •           New: The Main form menu offers the Open... submenu item to display the details of a number of folders that may interest the user.
  •           Fixed: Suppressed an unnecessary message that at startup informed about a non-sortable column.
  • 4.0.5  New: Introduced a number of internal changes to achieve better performance.
  • 4.0.4  Fixed: Amended an issue related to column sorting in the main grid.
  • 4.0.3  Fixed: Several bugs corrected.
  • 4.0.2  New: The Mass (weight) field can be sorted, either in ascending or descending mode. With this new function you will know which specimens are the heaviest (and the lightest).
  • 4.0.1  Improved: The Appraisal by field in the Edit form is fed with the data from the other records for the user to select, and can also be taken from the contacts database.
  • 4.0.0  New: The Last edit field can be sorted, either in ascending or descending mode.
  • 3.9.8  Improved: After filling the Provenance field by copying an item from the contacts database, the new text is highlighted to draw the user's attention.
  • 3.9.7  Improved: The Provenance field in the Edit form can be taken from the Contacts database.
  • 3.9.6  Improved: For the user's convenience the Contacts grid keeps the current register position for further sessions.
  • 3.9.5  New: The Contacts window has now a convenient function for searching.
  •           New: Added to Contacts two buttons to make fast forward and backward through the database.
  •           New: Added to Contacts a handy filter function.
  •           Fixed: Amended several minor bugs.
  • 3.9.4  Improved: The title of the columns Size and Mass in the main screen show the user selected unit for more clarity.
  • 3.9.3  Improved: When opening the IMA List the site of the RRUFF IMA Database is also opened with much more details.
  • 3.9.2  Improved: For the user's convenience the Contacts grid keeps the width of each column set by the user for further sessions.
  • 3.9.1  New: Option to view the field Notes content of each specimen from the main screen with several functions, as a navigator, print the text, open the record, select text, and copying it to the clipboard.
  • 3.9.0  New: Added a handy pop-up menu to the main screen with many of the most used items.
  • 3.8.3  Improved: When summing up costs, masses, or values, if a filter is active or there are selected records the user is notified in the final report.
  • 3.8.2  New: After setting a filter, you will see a discreet warning on the Main and Edit forms.
  • 3.8.1  Fixed: Corrected an issue that arose when a filter was active.
  • 3.8.0  New: Added field Last edit to display the date of the last edit of each record (starting with this new version).
  • 3.7.2  New: The sound of the pop-up message boxes can be optionally muted.
  •           Improved: Nicer notification and dialog boxes.
  •           Fixed: Corrected some minor issues.
  • 3.7.1  Improved: The About screen also shows the number of removed records and the path where the screenshot is saved.
  • 3.7.0  New: Compatibility with Windows 11.
  • 3.6.2  Improved: The selected folders in the Preferences form can be opened to check their content.
  • 3.6.1  Improved: Your data files backup will be kept for at least one year, each day separately. Until now they were kept for one month.
  • 3.6.0  New: Added a field to store the size of the specimen main crystal and other comments about it if needed.
  •           Improved: The edition space of the Notes field is much wider.
  • 3.5.7  Improved: Some additions and corrections to the About screen.
  • 3.5.6  Fixed: Corrected several issues shown after switching the Hide field Notes option.
  • 3.5.5  Fixed: Sorted out some glitches in the Edit form.
  • 3.5.4  Improved: Added Dailymotion to the list of video servers.
  • 3.5.3  New: The About screen can be saved with just a click and displays some technical info about the system and the user.
  • 3.5.2  Fixed: Amended an error message that was shown sometimes when closing the Edit form.
  • 3.5.1  Improved: Added Mindat to the list of video servers.
  • 3.5.0  New: Nowadays most collectors have video files from many of their specimens. They keep them either in their computer or posted at Youtube, Vimeo, or others. In any case you can store up to four locations in each record and with just one click open them from inside the mineral program by using your local software or opening the site on the net.
  • 3.4.2  Fixed: Some changes to several forms to cope with the complexity of the new larger screen resolutions.
  • 3.4.1  Fixed: IMA list address on the net changed; it had been modified by the owner.
  • 3.4.0  New: Compatibility with Windows 10.
  • 3.3.8  Another maintenance update. It shows in the About window precise information on the version of the operating system.
  • 3.3.7  Maintenance update.
  • 3.3.6  Fixed: Corrected some minor glitches.
  • 3.3.5  Improved: Added support for images with JPEG extension.
  • 3.3.4  New: You can link up to 16 photos to each record versus only 8 in the previous version. But why so many photos? Some people like to keep several pictures of the site the specimen was collected in, others may want to store external reference photos from museums, shows, dealers, or simply downloaded on the net, even somebody else can be interested in having crystallographic forms diagrams.
  • 3.3.3  Fixed: When saving changes in the Edit form, the active image was automatically switched to the first of the series, which had no sense and was rather annoying.
  • 3.3.2  New: Added button in the Edit form to open the images folder in a separate window.
  • 3.3.1  Improved: Changing the order criterion in the main grid keeps the active record active instead of jumping to the first (except when the setting Highlight row when mouse hovers is checked).
  • 3.2.9  New: Function to display the total of the appraised values of all the specimens or just a subset of them defined either by a filter or by manual selection of records.
  • 3.2.8  Improved: Inflation rate or consumer price index table supports two decimals.
  • 3.2.7  Improved: MMCC installer is now signed with a sha-256 Software Publisher Certificate to prove authenticity.
  • 3.2.6  Fixed: A bug in the Edit form that, when selecting the Windows viewer, sometimes displayed the wrong picture.
  • 3.2.5  Improved: Data grids vertical scrolling supports thumb tracking (when no filter enabled).
  • 3.2.4  New: Added to the Edit form a button that copies to the clipboard the full field Notes content.
  • 3.2.3  Fixed: A bug that prevented from using the Clone function.
  • 3.2.2  Fixed: Several minor bugs corrected.
  • 3.2.1  Improved: The Highlight row when mouse hovers option changes the active record making it match with the enhanced line anytime the mouse cursor hovers a row of the grid.
  • 3.2.0  Fixed: The function Highlight row when mouse hovers, that for mysterious reasons stopped working some time ago, has been restored.
  • 3.1.8  Improved: The Carousel and Gallery & Slideshow forms give information about the image size, resolution and ratio.
  • 3.1.7  Improved: Several minor changes to get a more consistent behavior and better performance.
  • 3.1.6  Fixed: A very strange bug showing an Access violation at address... message that might have been caused by certain computers incompatibility with some SQL language sentences used in the MMCC source code. Special thanks due to Maggie Wilson, from Ontario, Canada, for her help and patience with the testing.
  • 3.1.5  Fixed: A bug that prevented from showing in red color the records with the field Marked checked.
  • 3.1.4  Improved (a bit more...): Added a button to the Carousel form to display the image properties.
  • 3.1.3  Improved: The images in the Carousel form can also be shown stretched.
  • 3.1.2  Improved: Added two new buttons to the Edit form to jump forward and backward a number of records.
  • 3.1.1  Improved: The Carousel form can now be maximized, and keeps its current state, position and size for further sessions.
  • 3.1.0  New: Added a carousel that displays sequentially the images linked to each record.
  • 3.0.5  Improved: The Unique species function has a new column showing the primary species count.
  • 3.0.4  Fixed: Amended an issue related with the Filter fuction.
  • 3.0.3  Improved: After switching from regular table to removed table, if there is any filter set, a message notifies such state to the user.
  • 3.0.2  Fixed: Adressed bug that prevented from removing a record.
  • 3.0.1  Improved: The user's settings Marked and Not marked in the main menu are kept for the next session, making it easier to manage separately two parallel or virtual collections (the main and the duplicates, or the general and the specialized, for example).
  • 3.0.1  Improved: The user's selection of start and end year in the Graphs form are kept for the next session.
  • 3.0.0  Improved: Increased to 8 images for each record (there were 6 until now).
  • 2.9.9  Improved: The field Description length increased from 100 characters to 200. Much more room to write.
  •           Improved: The fields Image file length increased from 32 characters to 64. Longer file names admitted.
  • 2.9.8  New: By pressing Control+C while being at the main grid the number and the species names of the active record are copied to the clipboard.
  •           Improved: Added some gradient color backgrounds.
  • 2.9.7  Fixed: An issue in the Edit form that raised an error when adding a new record.
  • 2.9.6  Improved: Several internal routines optimized for a better performance.
  • 2.9.5  Fixed: Minor bugs and some bad design corrected.
  • 2.9.4  New: Added compatibility with Windows 8, 8.1 and 10.
  • 2.9.3  Improved: Added fancier menus.
  • 2.9.2  New: Added two new search engines, and, deleted another no longer available, MinMax, deleted RRUFF Project that has been unified with Handbook of Mineralogy, and modified two more which URL has been changed, Athena and Mineral Gallery.
  • 2.9.1  Fixed: The Edit form comboboxes allowed the user to enter many more characters than the actual physical fields were able to store.
  • 2.9.0  New: A single record full report can be got in text format from both the Main and the Edit form.
  • Since it is editable, may be very useful to extract some data, modify it and then use it for any purpose.
  • 2.8.8  Improved: The pop-up photos in the Edit form can be resized and maximized.
  • 2.8.7  Fixed: Some minor bugs and glitches corrected.
  • 2.8.6  Improved: In screens with enough resolution the Edit form is larger, to give the Notes field more visibility in height.
  • 2.8.5  Fixed: Because of a change beyond my control in the security protocols of the server hosting this site, the previous versions of MMCC have become unable to check for an update, showing the message Can't access to the net, even though the computer is connected to the internet. Sorry!
  • 2.8.4  Fixed: The field Rating can now be cleared. Even the user can freely enter there up to two characters of his choice.
  • 2.8.3  Improved: The images in the Gallery can be shown either in their actual size or stretched to the screen full width/height.
  •           New: Added date separator configuration.
  • 2.8.2  Improved: The slideshow can now be watched in real full screen mode.
  • 2.8.1  Improved: The slideshow can also be watched in almost full screen mode.
  • 2.8.0  New: Slideshow included in the Gallery, with variable speed.
  • 2.7.9  Improved: The Unique species function shows the number of specimens of your collection containing each species, so you can easily know how many specimens you own with, for example, calcite as a primary or secondary species.
  • 2.7.8  New: Added another search engine to look up the species name, DuckDuckGo, which respects your privacy by not tracking or bubbling you as the others do.
  • 2.7.7  Improved: The Notes field in the Edit form can be kept hidden.
  • 2.7.6  Improved: For easier navigation the bottom status bar in the Contacts grid shows the Name, City and Kind fields content of the active record.
  • 2.7.5  Improved: The specimens and Contacts grid rows can optionally be highlighted when mouse pointer hovers over each of them.
  • 2.7.4  New: How many species do I have? A grid is filled with the list of unique species existing in your collection. Can be exported in MS Excel format.
  • 2.7.3  Improved: To get more visibility the box for the Notes field in the Edit form is now a bit larger (32 pixels higher).
  • 2.7.2  Fixed: Some minor glitches corrected.
  • 2.7.1  New: Compatibility with most small-size low-cost computers also known as Netbooks, where screen resolution is often limited by the factory to 1280x1024 (please read Questions & answers #66 for how to operate).
  • 2.7.0  New: Function to display the total mass of all the specimens or just a subset of them defined either by a filter or by manual selection of records.
  • 2.6.5  Improved: Added insert/overwrite capability to the Notes field in the Edit form.
  • 2.6.4  Improved: Locality field length enlarged from 95 up to 120 characters.
  • 2.6.3  Improved: Prevents the user from entering image file names too long to fit in the database field.
  • 2.6.2  Fixed and improved: Minor fixes and tweaks in the Configuration form.
  • 2.6.1  New: Function to export the Contacts database in MS Excel format.
  • 2.6.0  New: Added copy, cut and paste functions to the tool bar and context (pop-up) menu on the Edit form.
  • 2.5.9  Improved: The two main data grids (minerals and contacts) allow to jump from one record to the next/previous one by keeping the right/left arrow pressed. The user will now be able to turn off and on this functionality.
  • 2.5.8  Fixed and improved: Minor fixes and tweaks.
  • 2.5.7  Improved: The contacts Notes field capacity enlarged from 120 to 200 characters.
  • 2.5.6  New: Notes field font properties in the specimens database, such as size, color, style, and name, can be configured to suit user preferences and make them easier to read and edit.
  • 2.5.5  Improved: You can also open a photo in the Edit form by pressing the F9 key.
  • 2.5.4  Fixed: Small bug when trying to order by the Cost (descending) field.
  • 2.5.3  Fixed and improved: Various minor fixes and tweaks.
  • 2.5.2  New: Quick to set filter for displaying only the unmarked records.
  • 2.5.1  Fixed: Technical issue in the Edit form that prevented the picture from being refreshed when the record was hidden after deletion or when changing a field value that made the record no longer meet a filter condition.
  • 2.5.0  Fixed: Minor issue that occurred when adding new records to the main table.
  • 2.4.9  Fixed: Bug that arouse after opening the Edit form when working in Windows Vista as a non-administrator user.
  • 2.4.8  Fixed: Several minor technical issues related with the Gallery.
  • 2.4.7  New: Shortcuts to the official IMA list of minerals from the Main and the Edit forms.
  • 2.4.6  Fixed: Error that used to arise after opening the Edit form when the backup copy folder path was too long.
  • 2.4.5  Fixed: Several minor and internal issues.
  • 2.4.4  New: MMCC detects when it is already running and keeps from opening a second session to prevent the risk of file corruption.
  • 2.4.3  Fixed: Minor technical issue that changed the title color of some data grid columns after moving them.
  • 2.4.2  Improved: The information shown to the user when an opening file error arise.
  • 2.4.1  New: Several fields (Species names and Storage location) can be skipped when navigating the Edit form.
  • 2.4.0  New: Up to 8 species' names can be included in each record.
  • 2.3.9  Fixed: Minor issue that affected the exit of several boxes in the Edit form.
  • 2.3.8  New: A third user-defined field.
  • 2.3.7  New: Up to 6 photographs can be included in each record.
  • 2.3.6  Improved: Described a new and safer way to run MMCC in Mac OS and Linux systems. Read question #2 in Questions & answers for more details.
  • 2.3.5  Fixed: Critical bug that kept MMCC from working after updating from a version prior to 1.6.1.
  • 2.3.4  Fixed: Technical issue with the clean reindex function that failed to delete the indexes of the inflation, contacts and species databases before rebuilding them.
  • 2.3.3  Improved: For more efficiency the regular and the clean reindexes can be performed independently. Read question #57 in Questions & answers for more details.
  • 2.3.2  Fixed: Minor issue with the reindex function.
  • 2.3.1  Improved: Free fields length enlarged to 60 characters.
  •           Improved: The Reindex function offers a repetition that performs a clean reindex, as explained in question #57 in Questions & answers.
  • 2.3.0  New: Condition and Rating fields.
  •           Improved: Country field length enlarged to 14 characters.
  • 2.2.9  New: A link is set between the Provenance field and the contacts database in a way that allows to exchange data in both directions.
  • 2.2.8  New: Function to reset the main grid columns order, width and position after being scrambled.
  • 2.2.7  Fixed: Minor issue that prevented from keeping for the next sessions the state, size and position of several forms.
  • 2.2.6  New: Graphs of bars, area, line, points and pie type, that visually represent the acquired specimens number, the money spent, and the average cost in each year.
  • 2.2.5  Fixed: Minor issue that used to arise when performing a files backup from the Removed grid.
  • 2.2.4  Fixed: Bug that interrupted the data files backup function.
  • 2.2.3  New: Function to have contacts configurable reports printed.
  • 2.2.2  New: Function to filter the contacts records according to the Kind field.
  • 2.2.1  New: The contacts database file can also be opened and modified from the Edit form.
  • 2.2.0  New: Two functions added to the Contacts grid to send email and open a website.
  • 2.1.9  New: New grid to store and manage the contact data of other collectors, dealers, friends, museums, associations, etc.
  • 2.1.8  New: Country field is automatically captured when the locality already exists in the database.
  • 2.1.7  Fixed: Minor issue that sometimes caused the display of an error message when opening the Edit and Preferences forms.
  • 2.1.6  Improved: Found a way to print simple labels, as explained in question #52 in Questions & answers.
  • 2.1.5  New: The Edit form shows the real size of each photo expressed in pixels.
  • 2.1.4  New: The Edit form shows the date each photo was created or last modified.
  • 2.1.3  New: The report produced by the Sum up function can be printed on paper.
  • 2.1.2  New: The report produced by the Sum up function can be copied to the clipboard, for further processing.
  • 2.1.1  New: Compatibility with Windows 7.
  • 2.1.0  Improved: The Open file dialog for selecting an image is automatically opened when clicking on any Edit form empty image box making it more convenient for the user.
  • 2.0.9  New: Up to 6 species' names can be included in each record.
  • 2.0.8  Fixed: Technical issue that made it difficult to open MMCC again after a computer crash or a power outage.
  • 2.0.7  Improved: Minor changes in the Preferences form layout.
  • 2.0.6  Fixed: Minor issue that prevented from cloning records.
  • 2.0.5  New: Up to 5 photographs can be included in each record.
  • 2.0.4  New: Added another search engine, Bing, to look up the species name.
  • 2.0.3  Improved: Handier additional buttons to save data and cancel changes are available at the bottom of the Edit form.
  • 2.0.2  Fixed: Two non-critical bugs that in certain circumstances arose an error message when trying to delete or clone a record.
  • 2.0.1  New: MMCC can generate the next sequential number for a new record by incrementing by one the last number entered.
  • 2.0.0  New: The species database file can also be opened and modified from the Edit form.
  • 1.9.4  New: Set a shortcut key to delete records from the data grid.
  •           New: Menu items to delete a record and to reach quickly the beginning and the end of the file.
  • 1.9.3  Improved: To add a new record there are now a menu item and a shortcut key available, in addition to the button on the tool bar.
  • 1.9.2  Improved: The Country field length enlarged to 12 characters from the former 3.
  • 1.9.1  Fixed: Non-critical bug that seemed to allow incremental search on the Current cost field when it was not possible to do so.
  • 1.9.0  New: Function to perform incremental search in the species database.
  • 1.8.8  New: Added a button to the Edit form for displaying the record's photos one by one cyclically.
  • 1.8.7  Improved: Handier layout in the print report screen, where the user is now allowed to set the lines separation.
  • 1.8.6  Fixed: Non-critical bug that prevented from saving the user configurable option Autodropdown combo boxes in Edit form.
  • 1.8.5  New: Function to search information about the specimen locality in the database.
  • 1.8.4  New: The appraisal fields can be disabled when the user is not going to use them.
  •           Improved: Some changes in the layout of the Edit form.
  •           Improved: After moving grid columns you can still set the field order.
  • 1.8.3  New: Four new fields to store additional species names if needed.
  • 1.8.2  New: User configuration of length and mass units.
  • 1.8.1  New: Automatic opening of the Edit form at startup, configurable by the user.
  • 1.8.0  New: Three new fields to store the appraisal value, appraisal date and who did it.
  •           Improved: Added two decimal places to the Mass field.
  • 1.7.7  Improved: The expanded photos in the Edit form, when too large, adjust their size so they can be properly shown inside the screen borders.
  • 1.7.6  New: The background and alternate colors of the data grids can be defined by the user.
  • 1.7.5  New: Added another search engine, Handbook of Mineralogy, to look up the species name.
  • 1.7.4  Improved: The function for summing up the Current cost field displays also the maximum and the minimum values.
  • 1.7.3  New: The Gallery displays the image file name and a button for detaching this file from the record.
  • 1.7.2  Fixed: Non-critical issue that sometimes had the main screen maximized state not kept in next sessions.
  • 1.7.1  Fixed: Critical bug that prevented from opening the tables at startup when the indexes were out of date.
  •           Improved: Now the user will be able to recover the data by simply performing a reindex.
  • 1.7.0  New: Quick to set filter for displaying only the marked records.
  • 1.6.9  New: Added another search engine, RRUFF Project, University of Arizona, to look up the species name.
  • 1.6.8  New: Added new field to mark records that will be shown in the grid with red color font.
  • 1.6.7  New: Function to check for program updates on the net.
  • 1.6.6  Fixed: Several non-critical bugs that affected both user-defined fields.
  • 1.6.5  New: Added another search engine, Mineral Gallery, to look up the species name.
  • 1.6.4  New: Added Buy price field to store the price really paid (after discount, if any), in any currency.
  • 1.6.3  New: The backup function keeps your data files separated for each day of the month, up to 31 copies.
  •           This means you may restore the copy of today, or the one from yesterday, or the one from the day before yesterday, and so on.
  • 1.6.2  New: The records of specimens that are removed or deaccessioned from the collection are kept in a separate file.
  •           This file allows you to manage them the same way as the regular records.
  • 1.6.1  New: Added two user-defined fields that can be free labeled and filled with any content up to 50 characters each.
  •           New: A fourth photograph can be included in every specimen record.
  •           Improved: The Description field capacity enlarged from 60 to 100 characters.
  • 1.5.5  New: Link to the Grup Mineraḷgic Català.
  • 1.5.4  New: A splash screen is shown at startup.
  • 1.5.3  Improved: When pressing left/right arrow the main data grid skips to previous/next record when the focus reaches the most left/right field.
  • 1.5.2  Improved: The Gallery screen remembers its size, position and state (normal or maximized) when MMCC is opened again.
  • 1.5.1  Improved: The main screen remembers its size, position and state (normal or maximized) when the program is opened again.
  •           New: Screen snap capability.
  • 1.5.0  Improved: The function for summing up the Current cost field displays also the average value and the number of records processed.
  • 1.4.9  Improved: The function for summing up the Current cost field may be run restricted to the records selected by the user, without setting a filter.
  • 1.4.8  Improved: The edit screen assigns a distinctive color to the file name of the picture that is being shown.
  • 1.4.7  Improved: Enabled the use of the mouse wheel for scrolling up and down data grids and dropdown combo boxes.
  • 1.4.6  New: Added species name search with Ask engine.
  • 1.4.5  New: Added species name search with Yahoo! engine.
  • 1.4.4  Improved: The Gallery shows also the specimen description.
  • 1.4.3  New: Added species name look up at the site
  • 1.4.2  New: Text autocompletion and associated dropdown combo box in the Country field.
  • 1.4.1  Improved: The Gallery allows the use of the PgUp, PgDn and Control+P keys for more convenience.
  • 1.4.0  New: Gallery screen to facilitate browsing all the pictures in a sequential way.
  • 1.3.5  New: The heading in the Edit form allows to set a gradient color, that can be horizontal or vertical.
  • 1.3.4  New: Added species name look up at the site MineralienAtlas.
  • 1.3.3  Improved: The dropdown combo box to select the search engine is moved from the general Preferences screen to the Edit form.
  •           New: Added species name search with Google engine and look up at the site
  • 1.3.2  New: Added species name look up at the sites Athena and MinMax.
  • 1.3.1  New: Added species name look up at the site Mineralogy Database.
  • 1.3.0  New: Button to open directly this Questions & answers page.
  • 1.2.9  Fixed: Label price field column added to the data grid (forgotten in previous versions).
  • 1.2.8  Improved: The About screen shows several cycling mineral pictures.
  • 1.2.7  New: The Edit form top shows a horizontal band to display optionally the collector's name.
  • 1.2.6  Improved: The text autocompletion feature and associated dropdown combo boxes become optional.
  • 1.2.5  New: Text autocompletion and associated dropdown combo box in the Main species / Specimen title, Locality and Provenance fields.
  • 1.2.4  New: Direct access to MMCC home page from inside the program.
  • 1.2.3  Improved: The bubble hints system can be disabled by the user.
  • 1.2.2  Improved: Added two new icons to the shortcut that opens the program.
  •           New: Species name search in the database.
  • 1.2.1  New: Added function to perform a files backup, optionally automatic.
  • 1.2.1  Improved: Independent Preferences screen to centralize the setting of the user's parameters.
  • 1.2.0  New: Entry of species names in uppercase can be forced.
  • 1.1.9  New: Added a handy 3-month calendar.
  • 1.1.8  New: Screen to show some interesting internet links.
  • 1.1.7  New: The species name database is also included when exporting in MS Excel format.
  • 1.1.6  Improved: The species name database becomes user editable.
  • 1.1.5  New: Text autocompletion and associated dropdown combo box in the Species field.
  • 1.1.4  New: The Original cost and Current cost fields converted to currency type to get them display the local currency symbol.
  • 1.1.3  Improved: Added five icons to the shortcut that opens MMCC for the user to choose from.
  • 1.1.2  Improved: Added support to png and gif graphics in addition to jpg.
  • 1.1.1  New: Added a license agreement.
  • 1.1.0  New: Added a handy calculator.
  • 1.0.8  New: Function to search inside the Notes field in both directions.
  • 1.0.7  New: MMCC is made available in English language too. Formerly it was only in Catalan.
  • 1.0.6  New: The images can be opened either with the Windows viewer or directly with the program.
  • 1.0.5  New: Compatibility with Windows Vista.
  • 1.0.4  New: Record's bookmarking function.
  •           New: The pictures can be printed along with their number, species name, and locality.
  • 1.0.3  Improved: Added several hotkeys and new buttons.
  • 1.0.2  Improved: The data grid columns keep for the next session the last user-defined width of each one.
  • 1.0.1  New: The program is posted on the internet for the first time to be shared as freeware (2007-12-22).
  • 0.0.0  New: The development of the application begins as a private tool for cataloging the author's mineral collection (2003-04-20).


Copyright © Carles Millan, 2007-2024